Is Budva Montenegro expensive

in Budva


Budva, a popular tourist destination on the coast of Montenegro, is known for its medieval town, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife. Despite its allure, potential visitors often wonder about the cost of vacationing or living in Budva. This article provides an objective look at how expensive Budva really is, examining various aspects of daily and tourist expenses.

Imagine Is Budva Montenegro expensive in Budva

Accommodation Costs in Budva

Accommodation in Budva can vary widely in price, depending largely on the location and the type of lodging. During the peak summer season, prices are substantially higher. A standard hotel room in a good location can cost anywhere from €50 to over €500 per night. For those looking to stay longer, monthly rentals for apartments can range from €300 in the off-season to €3000 or more in the summer, especially near the beach or in the Old Town.

Dining Out: Eating Expenses

Eating out in Budva also offers a range of options. Tourists can enjoy a meal at an inexpensive restaurant for about €8-15 per person, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant might cost between €25 and €40. Prices in high-end restaurants, particularly in more tourist-centric areas, can be much steeper. Additionally, local supermarkets provide affordable options for those preferring to cook at home, with prices comparable to other parts of Eastern Europe.

Imagine Is Budva Montenegro expensive in Budva

Transportation and Getting Around

Transport within Budva is relatively affordable. Public buses run frequently and cover most of the town and surrounding areas, with tickets costing around €1-4. Taxis are readily available (for example, a trip from the Budva Hotel to the Dukley Hotel & Resort will cost you approximately 5 euros), but can be expensive, especially at night or when hailing them directly on the street. Many visitors choose to walk due to the town's manageable size. During the summer season, to attract customers, free boat trips are offered, for example, to the Dukley Seafront restaurant and back (see photo below; be sure to find out the conditions in advance, before the trip). Similar transfers to other restaurants are also available. Please look at the posters and banners on the street for more information. Renting a car out of season can cost you from 25 euros per day (depending on the number of days of rent), during the season the cost rises and renting can cost you from 45 euros per day. Of course, everything depends on the brand of the vehicle and the company that provides these services.

Imagine Is Budva Montenegro expensive in Budva

Entertainment and Leisure Activities

The cost of entertainment in Budva varies. Entry to most nightclubs is free, although drinks can be pricey. The average cost of a cocktail at a club is around €8-15. Beach activities like renting a sunbed can cost about €15-200 per day, depending on the location and exclusivity of the beach. Cultural activities, such as visiting museums or historical sites, are generally inexpensive, often around €5 for entry.

Conclusion: Is Budva Expensive?

Overall, whether Budva is considered expensive depends largely on personal budgets and lifestyle choices. While it can be costlier than other parts of Montenegro due to its popularity with tourists, there are plenty of options to suit a range of budgets. By planning ahead and making informed choices, visitors can enjoy all that Budva has to offer without breaking the bank. This makes Budva a versatile destination, appealing to both luxury seekers and budget-conscious travelers alike. If you want to learn more about this country, read other articles on my website, you will definitely find something useful (for example, telephone numbers of taxi companies and the features of their work).  You can find out more detailed information about taxis by clicking on the link Or you can subscribe and ask me a question, I will definitely answer you. Great success to you always and everywhere!

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